Dying Light, The Following is a continuation of Kyle Crane’s story taking place in a vast new area outside of Harran, an open rural countryside brimming with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and a new vehicle the highly customizable dirt buggy. Gain the trust of the locals and learn about the secrets of a cult that is seemingly immune to the virus that has ravaged Harran.
You will need the base game Dying Light to access this DLC content.
Completely changing the environment that you play in and the way in which you get around that world was a bold move by Techland, but they’ve taken the challenge in their stride and created something which is often just pure fun to play. If you’re a fan of Dying Light, then The Following is a near essential expansion.
The Following manages to include a new fun-filled environment to explore along with a vehicle to do so that mesh together well with a story that’s slow to start but ends with a powerful punch.