SpellForce 3: Fallen God is another storyline from the SpellForce 3 franchise. Your task is to command the Trolls and lead them on an epic journey across the wild continent of Urgath, a new enthralling continent that is introduced in the game. As Chieftain of the Moonkin, a tribe driven from its home by tusk hunters and disease, their survival is in your hands. Your army of trolls has only one goal – to survive. Lead them, as the Chieftain of Moonkin. Bring them hope, enlighten them, and bring them to the path of salvation.
Key features of the game:
SpellForce 3: Fallen God provides players with more SF3 goodness. The story, told from an unusual perspective, shows you a gripping tale of a dwindling tribe trying to survive as opposed to previous instances of Saving The World.